Monday, October 22, 2007

Universal Design is Done


So here's my UDL Project....well a link anyway. After a lot of effort trying to figure out how to post my power point presentation so you could all see it, I decided to go with the best possible option I could find. Not ideal, so here are some necessary steps if you want to see it...

Visit the website below, which will take you to pocket knowledge and my file "Pollution and Recycling". Pocket knowledge may require you to sign in first so if you don't already have an account you may have to create one, it's free! Also when you open the file you will need to go to Slide Show and then click on View Show to see the presentation. If you have any questions or problems, feel free to email me.

1 comment:

Joe said...

Kim . . . I will be grading the UDC w/in the week and provide feed back by next Thurs. Nice job thinking about PocketKnowledge!